Sika MonoTop 615
Sika MonoTop 615 is a one component cement based polymer modified high build repair and reprofiling mortar.Contains no chloride admixtures.
Sika MonoTop 615 is a one component cement based polymer modified high build repair and reprofiling mortar.Contains no chloride admixtures.
Sika® MonoTop -614F is a cement based, one component flowable repair mortar (High Flow) containing shrinkage compensators and high range water-reducing agents, meeting the requirements of Class R4 of BS EN 1504-3.
Sika MonoTop 612 is a cement-based, one component low permeability repair microconcrete, containing silica fume and polymer. For repairing all types of structures. Suitable for drinking water contact.
Sika MonoTop 620 is a one component cementitious polymer modified mortar. concrete pore sealer/levelling mortar/smoothing coat.Sprayable by wet spray method
Sika MonoTop 610 is a one component cementitious, polymer modified primer for reinforcement protection and also a bonding bridge for MonoTop concrete repair mortars.may be used to bond MonoTop concrete repair mortars to existing cementitious or steel substrates and provide additional corrosion protection to reinforcement in MonoTop concrete repair mortars especially in areas of low concrete cover and in the presence of chlorides.
Sika ® Margel VPI 580 is a patented vapour phase corrosion inhibitor which is inserted inside concrete structural elements close to the reinforcing steel.
Sika L2 High Flow is a one part, high flow, rapid strength cementitious grout.For precision, high performance, grouting underneath machine bases, structural steelwork, etc
Highly expansive solvent-free water-reactive two part polyurethane foam injection system with long potlife. Sika Injection-20 is used for stopping water infiltration and to be injected into water filled cracks
Sika® Igolflex®-201 is a two-part, solvent-free and fibre reinforced coating, based on a polymer-modified bitumen emulsion. Part one contains the liquid polymer modified bitumen emulsion, with the fibre reinforcement. Part two contains the reactive component for accelerated curing.
Sika Membran System consists of flexible synthetic rubber of different grades, Universal, Outdoor and Strong. The different grades are secured and sealed in place using SikaBond TF plus and SikaLastomer TF. Used for waterproofing buildings with ventilated curtain facades.
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