RIW Cementseal primer
RIW Cementseal Primer is an environmentally friendly, multi-functional water based waterproof acrylic primer, formulated on an aqueous acrylic copolymer compound.
RIW Cementseal Primer is an environmentally friendly, multi-functional water based waterproof acrylic primer, formulated on an aqueous acrylic copolymer compound.
RIW Cementfill HB is a single component, cement based waterproofing mortar which incorporates the most advanced cement chemistry, microsilica, fibre and styrene acrylic copolymer technology. This results in a rapid hardening, low density, high strength waterproofing mortar with enhanced polymer properties. The thixotropic, shrinkage compensated nature of the product enables easy high build trowel applications.
RIW Cementfill FC is a single component, thixotropic, polymer modified, cement based waterproof repair mortar with high adhesive properties. It incorporates the most advanced microsilica, polymer and fibre technology, curing to provide high waterproofing properties, excellent protection from acid gases, chlorides and freeze/thaw cycles as well as enhanced chemical resistance. The product is supplied as a single component system, ready for on-site mixing and use, requiring only the addition of clean water.
This is a fast setting material based on a potable water approved natural cement, it is an environmentally friendly, fast setting, water stopping material that at 20ºc starts to set in 90 seconds and is totally set in 2½ minutes.It is also Reg.31 approved for contact with drinking water. WATERSTOP only requires to be added to water and mixed for two minutes (see mixing instructions for further details) and provides a waterproof barrier. It can be used in cold & wet conditions, sets under water and from a minimum of 1 mm can be, if required, built up layer on layer to any thickness.
This concrete repair mortar is based on a Natural Cement based binder, it is an environmentally friendly, fast setting, high early strength concrete repair material that starts to set in 35 minutes. NATCEM 35 only requires to be added to water and mixed for 2 minutes (see mixing instructions for further details), and unlike most other manufacturers products it does not require primers, bonding agents and or curing agents. It can be used in cold & wet conditions, sets under water and can be, if required, from a minimum of 10 mm built up layer on layer to any thickness. It is also Reg.31 approved for contact with drinking water with only ½ hour curing period after set required.
Self-levelling, ultra-quick hardening mortar with special hydraulic binders, applied at a thickness between 5 and 40 mm to create abrasion-resistant floors.
One-component cementitious mortar with high bonding strength for interior and exterior smoothing of rough surfaces and for finishing walls (fine texture effect).
Quick-setting, controlled-shrinkage thixotropic mortar for repairing the surface of concrete, may be applied in various thicknesses from 1 to 40 mm in a single layer.
Bonding enhancer to be applied before MAPESIL AC when using it for concrete, wood, metal, painted surfaces, plastic and rubber.
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